Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If I could change anything about WSU

If I could change anything about WSU I would like the school to be just a smidge bigger and in a different location. I wish that more people were involved with some of the things that go on, on campus. This is my first year so I understand that is why I don't know that many people now but I wonder if that will ever change. I also would like to add bigger parking lots. Looking for a parking space when you don't have an early class is the worse thing ever here at wsu. I think the size of the school is a decent size and I already don't like walking across campus now but it would be nice if there were even more people, that aren't commuters. I just feel that it would create an even better college like atmosphere. If I could move WSU to a different state then I would move it somewhere warm either close to a beach or even a lake. But if it were in a different location I don't know if I would even know about the school because one of the reasons I chose to come here is because it's close to home and I like that I can go home whether it's the or the weekend when I need something. Although I know that I can't change any of these things I am still happy with the choice that I made to come here because I think it's a really nice and great school visually and academically. I like all of my teachers so far and the people here are still really polite. Although a lot of these people are from nearby, they are still others who have traveled here from others states and I think it's really interesting to meet people that grow up in a different environment that you did because you can learn a lot of new things. I wish the population was more diverse in terms of culture but it is nice to see a place where the handicapped are excepted because I believe they should be able to do everything that those who aren't handicapped can do. Changes or not I still love Wright State.

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