Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Revision Process

As far as revising went I think it was a great thing to do no matter how good or bad you write because it's hard to catch everything the first time you write something. I love to have someonelse's perspective because sometimes I make up sentences that make absolutely no since. I feel that my original draft was going to just be okay and not my best because first I did wait until the last minute to write my paper and second I'm not really a good writer. I don't think it was horrible, I just knew it wasn't the best. I feel that in my writing I repeat a lot of the same words and I don't describe things very well. I think my revisions were great, and I'm glad that everyone was so honest and critical. My paper definitely needed it and I think the revisions will be of great help when I go to write my next paper. I like the drafting process because everytime you write the paper it gets better and better and everytime you notice something different that you can change to make your paper better. Everyones comments were very clear, a lot of them are little things that can easily be fixed. It's difficult because you really have to think and come up with some new and good ideas to write but easy because you know exactly what you are looking for in your writing. It's going fine, I just hope I have a good paper in the end.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gendercide in China

A current event that I just recently learned about that has really affected me is the gendercide that is going on right now in China. There is now a policy in China where families are only allowed to have one child to keep the population down. The population right now is just under 1.5 billion people and I read that by 2040 there will approximately be 123 trillion people living in China. Due to the high population and birth rates in China a lot of women are being forced to have abortions if they don't produce a male although they are allowed to have a maximum of two children. Todays ratio from males to females is about 128 males to 100 females. Despite the fact that I think it is wrong to kill innocent children, I understand why this needs to be done because the population is so high in China and the government is trying to figure out what they can do to get the population to decrease. I believe that this process will work because if they are more men than women, there is less women to match up with every man which means there will be less children so that the population will do nothing but go down. I also read that in 10 years, by 2020, there will be 30 million more men the women. By this happening it may produce a rise in crime, prostitution and maybe even homosexuality. It is said that men will care for the old while women will just marry into another family are cause desert into the familes that they marry into. Now knowing all of this is taking place I hope that this mass killing of young girls is going to help out the country because otherwise it was just a waste and a lot of young innocent lives were taken.